This application is designed to provide employees with access to corporate resources and tools. It allows users to enroll their devices and access company apps, as well as manage and view all enrolled devices. Additionally, users can view contact information for the IT department and change their work account password. The app also offers the option to unenroll or remotely wipe devices.
In order to use this app, users must enroll with their work account in Intune. However, some features may not be available in certain countries. If there are any issues or questions about the app, users should contact their IT administrator rather than Microsoft, their network operator, or device manufacturer.
To uninstall the Company Portal app, users must first unenroll their device from Intune. This can be done by following the provided directions. Once the device is unenrolled, the app can be uninstalled like any other app.
Overall, this app provides a convenient and secure way for employees to access company resources and manage their devices. By enrolling in Intune, users can easily browse and install company apps, view and manage their devices, and make necessary changes to their work account. The app also offers a way for users to contact the IT department and securely unenroll or wipe devices if needed.