In the year 2035, a global war broke out due to the scarcity of resources on Earth. As a commander, you have been given the task to attack the enemy's naval base and lead your fleet through a stormy sea.
The game features a strategic element where you can build and organize your own fleet with a variety of warships. Use your intelligence and tactics to defeat your enemies and dominate the sea.
Engage in intense real-time battles with other players through different modes such as Legion Battle, Cross-server Battle, Ocean Expedition, and Home Defense. These battles will test your skills and teamwork as you fight for your server's honor.
Join a Legion and work together with other players to make the game more enjoyable. The game also offers a global war experience where you can interact and form bonds with millions of commanders from all over the world, thanks to its translation system.
The game boasts extraordinary graphics and epic animations, creating a vivid world of naval warfare. You can also expect a rich gameplay experience with advanced technology, experienced officers, abundant resources, strong air support, and even mysterious alien weapons.
If you have any questions, you can easily contact the developers through their Facebook and Instagram pages, or via email. You can also visit their forum to connect with other players and discuss the game.
Join the Fleet Command Community on Facebook, follow flotten_kommando on Instagram, or send an email to for any inquiries. You can also visit the forum at